Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How to impress Recruiters

Three Things Important In your resume

During your job search you will review hundreds of job postings. Some will be very well written and provide quality information, while others will tell you little about the employer's needs. The majority of them have a similar format and characteristics, and they provide insight into what the employer wants--if you know what to look for.

Postings can be written by a hiring manager or a recruiter, but it's usually the recruiter who receives and screens the applications. With this in mind you should be sure that your résumé will make a recruiter feel confident that you are qualified. By making the most of the insight you can glean from the following three sections of a typical job posting, you can better position yourself to impress recruiters and get interviews:

The job title: Every job posting includes a job title. It is often what first piques your interest in the posting, and it's the first thing the hiring manager thought of when he or she decided to create the position. Most job seekers overlook the intelligence the job title provides and suffer for it. The job title gives you the most likely keywords that will be used to find qualified candidates for the job, and because of that you can use it to your advantage.

At AttractJobsNOW.com we use the job title as our guide in creating effective customized résumés by ensuring that each candidate's summary statement and areas of expertise are in line with the job title. We ensure that the words in the job title appear prominently throughout the résumé, so that our clients will appear at the top of candidate searches. As a result, more than 95% of our candidates succeed in getting job interviews at their companies of interest.

Responsibilities: The responsibilities section describes what will be expected of the employee in the position. You'll often find that there are five to 10 bullet points in this section, but in our research with recruiters and hiring managers we've found that the first three responsibilities are the most important. Job postings are usually based on a primary business need to which additional responsibilities are added to create a full-time position. Your résumé should focus on your experience, results and accomplishments in the tasks outlined in the first three bullets in the responsibilities section. Also you'll find keywords in those first three bullets that recruiters will use in searching for qualified candidates.

Qualifications: The qualifications section provides insight into the experience, skills and education the hiring manager has in mind for the person they feel will be capable of excelling in the role. As in the responsibilities section, the first three qualifications are usually the most important. If you meet those top three qualifications, you should directly say so in the summary section at the top of your résumé, to instantly inform the hirer that you're qualified and to persuade them to read the rest of your résumé. If you don't meet the top three qualifications but have others strengths that qualify you to excel, definitely mention them in your summary section.

Taking the time to analyze job postings and customize your résumé based on their job titles, responsibilities and qualifications is often the difference between receiving interviews and being screened out of the recruiting process.


Monday, July 26, 2010

How Your Weekend Can Be Ruined

How Your Weekend Can Be Ruined

You were looking forward to the weekend after a week of early mornings. Every day you climbed out of bed at 5am thinking “just 4 more days…just 2 more days…”

And when your weekend is here, you think you can sleep in late (at least till 10, before the traffic picks up) but that’s not to be. At 6am sharp, the building next door starts drilling – LOUDLY. You bury your face in your pillow and try your best to shut the noise out.

But since it’s not your day, the cell phone trills right in your ear. It’s daddy dear wanting to know how the dinner went last night. You really want to tell him, “Dad I’ve got a slight hangover, I’d like to sleep, just for a bit more”. But you don’t, of course. You don’t want to give him a shock at 7am. Instead, you hang up promising to call him at a sane hour.

You barely reach your subconscious when the phone shrieks, again. It’s your friend saying the flat next door to theirs is empty, if you want to move in. You mumble incoherently and cut the call. All that and it’s not even 8am on a holiday!

Clearly the day isn’t going too good. So you decide you might as well wake up and watch some TV. How naive of you to think you could do that; don’t you know it’s not your day? As punishment for thinking that you could indulge in something like that, the always prompt Bangalore city’s electricity gods decide to black out your part of the city.

Ha. But there is a greater God above, and you pull out your laptop and connect with the world. Then again, it’s a tough battle between the invisible and intangible God in heaven and the omnipresent gods here on earth. And the latter is winning the battle as the battery of your laptop is blinking furiously, threatening to die out any minute. It has to happen just when you’re chatting with a friend you haven’t spoken to in years.

At 2% of battery remaining, the one above wins the war and lo, there’s light in the world! You switch on the TV- all riled up at the way things have been going so far. All you need now is some nice song that’ll lift your mood. And whaddya know, you get just the song you need.