What Pranab gives to India this time? Will he able to control the galloping Inflation in India ?
Could he balance the FDI inflow with the absorbing capacity of our economy ?
Would he concentrate on infrastructure development even this time ?
Could his policy help to bring Black money back to India ?
Could he control over prices of Petrol prices ?
Could he be able to give more subsidiary and cheaper credit to farmers ?
Is he be able to give Income Tax relaxation ?
Does he introduce GST from this fiscal year 2011-12 ?
Does he curb non-developmental expenditure ?
Will this budget be able to attract more FII's ?
Could he balance BOP ?
Could he be able to create more jobs in this year 2011-2012 ?
These are the questions now all Indians are waiting for and looking for in this Fiscal year 2011. A curious discussions going on in Parliament to get a better out come this FY2011 ?
P- Productivity
R- Rationality
A- Accountability
N- National Resourcability
A- Affirmative
B- Budgetary
M- Monetary
U- Utility
K- Knowledge
A- Accelerative
R- Rupee
J- Job Creator
I- Inflation
Hope to be the best FY 11-12 for India