Thursday, September 30, 2010

Strategies To Get A JOB


It's the question that everyone is always asking: How does one find a job these days? The second question is how do I get this or that company to recognize my talents? To help you land some work, you need to spend time planning your overall approach.

Tip 1: Ask yourself what you want to do

Don't just go around looking for the highest paying job you can find; you need to also ask yourself exactly what it is you want to do with your career. Take a few moments and think about exactly what you want to do. What is your goal? Once you have figured it out, then you can start looking for that post.

Tip 2: Spend some time working on your resume

First impressions are extremely important, and that means you need to plan and design your resume well. Regardless of the format that you use, the following are very important and must be considered at all time.

1. Do not make it too long; usually one page is enough.

2. Do not write any long winded paragraphs; just list down your previous working experience, your skills, the positions you held etc. Again, do not lump them together, but use a bullet to separate each.

3. Stick to the facts: most employers will check out your background, so don't put anything there that cannot be verified. Also, if you say that you are able to do something that in reality you cannot, you might get in trouble if you are assigned that task.

At the same time, you must not and cannot afford to sell yourself short. Highlight any awards, recognitions that you have gotten, and also point out your strengths.

4. Check your spelling and grammar. If a job applicant cannot even take the time to double check and clean up a resume, how can that person claim to be reliable?

5. If you are unsure of how to design your job resume, there are several online samples that can help. Check them out, and make any modifications that you see fit.

Preparing for that Job Interview

The following should help when you are going on a job interview.

Tip 1: Do some research on the company you are applying for

It's very likely that you will be asked questions regarding the company's vision or product, so be sure to have an answer.

Tip 2: Practice

You need to work on this carefully. Stand before a mirror, and start rehearsing. Watch your facial reactions, any mannerisms, the tone of your voice etc. You need to sound confident, but without coming across as being arrogant.

Tip 3: Be on time for the interview.
The importance of this cannot be overstated.

Tip 4: Be polite but at the time, try not to be too condescending; while you may want to sound professional, you shouldn't be too rigid; be conversational. In other words, act naturally.

Tip 5: Don't be discouraged if you don't get a job right away. Keep working on your skills, and sooner than later you'll find yourself with that dream job.


Apologies can be relationship healers for women.

Whether it’s bumping into someone when getting on the train to stopping an argument with a significant other, it seems that women are always the first ones to say “I’m sorry.”

While some of us are just being knee-jerk polite, two new studies actually suggest that we’re more likely to apologize in most situations than men — only not for the reasons you might think.

A study that monitored the conversations of 66 male and female subjects over the course of a 12-day period found that women said “sorry” significantly more often than men. However, researchers who also asked subjects to report mistakes and offenses they’d made during that time period discovered that women reported more than their male counterparts.

Its just that men have a higher threshold for what they think warrants reparation, the scientists said. When researchers looked at the number of apologies relative to the number of offences the participants perceived they had committed, they saw no differences between the genders.

"Men are't actively resisting apologizing because they think it will make them appear weak or because they don't want to take responsibility for their actions," said studies. "It seems to be that when they think they've done something wrong they do apologize just as frequently as when women think they've done something wrong. Its just that they think they've done fewer things wrong,"

The findings might have implications for how men and women communicate with each other. Also adding to their study did not find any evidence to back the assumption that women are more apologetic sex. Schumann and her colleagues conducted two studies to see if genders do indeed differ in how often they apologize, and if so , why this might be.

By the study and survey they have done says that women apologized more and reported committing more offensive acts, but both men and women apologized about 81 % of the time when they deemed their actions offensive.

Men think they make fewer mistakes

To reach at this conclusion, lead researcher Karina Schumann, a doctoral student in social psychology at the University, and her colleagues conducted two studies to see if men and women differ in how often they apologize.

The study looked at the number of apologies relative to the number of offenses the participants perceived they had committed and found no differences between the genders. "Men aren't actively resisting apologising because they think it will make them appear weak or because they don't want to take responsibility for their actions," said study researcher Schumann.

"It seems to be that when they think they've done something wrong they do apologise just as frequently as when women think they've done something wrong.

It's just that they think they've done fewer things wrong," Schumann was quoted as saying by LiveScience.

Study details and findings
In the first study, 33 university students in the age group of 18 to 44 years were asked to maintain an online record for 12 days documenting whether they apologized or did something they thought required an apology, even if they didn't actually say sorry.

Researchers also kept a track of how often they felt someone had committed an offensive act against them that required reparation.

It was found that women tend to apologize more and reported committing more offensive acts, but both men and women apologized about 81 percent of the time when they deemed their actions went offensive.

But, men were found to be less likely to report being victims of wrongdoing, researchers said.

For the second study, 120 undergraduates were enrolled to rate how severe they thought a particular offense was. For instance, they had to recall if they woke their friend up late at night, and because of the sleep disturbance, the friend did poorly on an interview the next day.

Interestingly, here also, women rated the offenses as more severe than men did, and women were also more likely to admit the friend deserved an apology.

"Neither men nor women are wrong when they disagree about whether or not an offence has occurred or whether or not an apology is desired," Schumann said. "It's just that they have different perceptions of an event that has occurred between them."

The studies, published in the journal ‘Psychological Science,’ were conducted on small scale and involved only university students, so the findings might not be applicable to all men and women in general, the researchers concluded.

Monday, September 6, 2010

10 golden rules to keep romance alive in relationships

Getting into a relationship is easy, but keeping it alive is the difficult part.

There are plenty of things, big or small, that can wreck an otherwise great relationship. Now, Dr Barton Goldsmith, a California-based psychotherapist and the author of '100 Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence - Believe in Yourself and Others Will Too' reveals what all can kill romantic relationships and how to save it from falling apart.

1. Money: It's the root of all evils, as they say. If a partner has been unscrupulous, getting the trust back can be a challenge, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.

2. Sex/infidelity: A sexless marriage or unfaithfulness can extinguish love quicker than blowing out a candle. Don't let the flame burn out and try to renew your sex life.

3. Disrespect: Research shows that belittling, insulting or yelling at your partner can cut the chances of your relationship's survival.

4. Children: Some live for them, others would rather kill themselves. Make sure to keep things in balance with your partner, so you have the energy to deal with any child issues.

5. Opposite-sex friends: If you don't want your spouse/partner to dine out and have drinks with a member of the opposite sex, then you need to follow the same guidelines.

6. Resentments: Don't hold your pain, hurt or anger inside. If you are harbouring some resentment talk it out and put the matter to rest, so you can enjoy your relationship.

7. Lying/broken promises: Even if you're afraid of getting in trouble, tell the whole truth and don't break promises, and find a way to make up for past mistakes.

8. Laziness: Keeping a relationship is hard work, and if you are unwilling to do it, your connection will diminish and you will begin to resent your partner.

9. Being mean: If you punish your partner when you don't get your way, or if the two of you give each other the silent treatment, you are headed for a lifetime of emotional pain. Stop the nastiness and learn to talk about it.

10. Discomfort/remodelling. If you are living in a construction zone, it's pretty hard to feel comfortable. Injury or illness can create a similar situation. Your home should be a place of serenity, so if you are remodelling or are dealing with physical issues, make your comfort a priority. (ANI)